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Thursday 25 November 2010

Today I'm mostly cold!

Well looks like winter has put it's foot down, it's here to stay, boo :( Our flat is just like a greenhouse during the summer it's so hot and uncomfortable you literally stick to the couch, yet as soon as we hit November any heat that was here has gone and it's cold, drafty and has that damp feel, it really is nasty. We do have heaters (storage ones that you have to put on like a day in advance) but we can't use the one in the lounge as it's behind the tv, under the window so any heat produced is lost, we also have one in the hall and bedroom, but to notice a difference you'd gave to have them on 24/7 which would cost me almost £15 extra a week! I'm looking into getting a electric heater, just a small 1kw one, which I could move to whatever room we were in, and at around 26p an hour it's not too bad, I'd only need it on for a few hours a night can't see it costing more than £7 a week which is half what I'd pay for the storage heaters! Last night it was that cold I lit every candle we had it was actually quite cosy within an hour, and looked nice too, with the added warmth of my snuggie I was sorted :) Husband announced yesterday that were getting another PS3, which is brilliant because it means the one we presently have gets demoted to the bedroom and I can sit in bed (on a freezing cold night) playing some of the games I love, or watch some blu-ray movies, instead of having to watch my husband playing his call of duty black ops or GT5 which I don't mind occasionally but every-night that's a bit unfair. So delivery for that should be before December 6th, hopefully it will be here before my birthday on the 5th so I can play any game I might receive as a gift ;). We're also going out for a meal on my birthday to frankie and bennys which I'm looking forward to, just need to make sure I don't ruin the work I put in dieting before that! Nothing much to say on the TTC or PCOS today, CD3 have some crampy pain, feel bloated. The metformin seems to be reducing the rate of hair regrowth which is good, and also my skins looking better, and apart from the PMT my moods are a lot better, the heartburn I was getting seems to have eased since I got back into healthy eating, so all in all I'm happy with results so far, I've almost run out though so must phone up the dr's for a repeat prescription today. I've read that metformin can also help bring on ovulation! That would really get me excited :) don't think I can remember the last time I ovulated, if I even ever did?!! Love to all, TTFN x

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya on the part where hubs plays his games every night. Mine does that as well and it's irritating! Just got a TV in my room so I can veg in there and watch my shows.
    Hope you stay warm this winter!
    I'm busy freezing my butt off myself.
