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Monday 22 November 2010

<3 Mondays ???

Great, its Monday, it's raining, I'm miserable and today I have a hospital appointment that isn't PCOS or TTC related, I've been getting pain in the side around my ribs and my GP thought it could be gallstones so sent me for ultrasound, turned out they don't think I have gallstones but couldn't get a good look (turns out my body isn't ultrasound friendly, why they couldn't just say hey lady we can't see through all this extra fat!) so anyway now I have to see a Dr in the general surgery dept. to discuss this mysterious pain and maybe suggest them sending a camera down my throat into my stomach (nice!) not something I look forward to especially now the pain seems to have subsided, I haven't had an attack since about 5 weeks ago, although while I was having them I was convinced my body was trying to kill me and I had visions of my stomach and liver just bursting into flames. But fingers crossed they just say 'Mrs Galt, we can see your no longer in discomfort so there is nothing drastically wrong with you you can go home now' It's weird but I think the pain may be linked to stress and anxiety as even now I feel a little twinge while I'm worrying about them invading me with cameras and such. Monday is a weigh in day for me and the scales had nothing good to say about this weeks performance, in fact they actually tried to say I had gained 2lb! I suppose if you consider all the junk I've ate over the week it's not surprising, I mean steak, cake, cookies, chocolate, pizza not exactly healthy eating is it? This week I will and must try harder, especially now that I have to try loose 28lb by Feb 9th, which is going to be real tough as it is, what with my birthday in 2 weeks then Christmas too! Well if I want to start the clomid come February then I must be strict and work my butt off! Off now to get ready and conquer the day!

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